ஜீவ ரக்ஷை குடிபோதை மற்றும் மனநல மறுவாழ்வு மையம்
    Help Line: +91-739 739 8823
  • jeevarakshai@gmail.com

Welcome to Jeeva Rakshai

Mental Health Wellness Care | Mental Health Hospital in Chennai

Our centre is a 50 bedded hospital designed for Alcohol & Drug De-addiction & psychiatric emergencies for male and female In-patients and Out-patients since 2019.
Our centre JEEVA RAKSHAI is established with the sole aim of providing comprehensive mental health care that is easily accessible to the needy. Our focus is to deliver effective services to those with addiction to substances and behavioural addiction. All types of addictions are treated at this centre such as alcohol, tobacco, nicotine, cannabis, cocaine, amphetamines, opioids, benzodiazepines. We aim to involve family in the treatment process and facilitate transition of patients into the community. We focus on individualized strengths of each person and work on building it. Psychological profile of each patient is analysed to streamline the treatment process. We intend to conduct awareness and educational programs for family members of patients with substance abuse and mental illness.

Jeeva Rakshai is run by a woman and is a safe place for female patients. There are female nurses, female psychiatrist, female counsellors & social workers, female psychologist.

Our special team of psychiatrist, General physician, counselling psychologist, clinical psychologist, psychiatric social worker, psychiatric nurses, coordinator’s, administration and other supportive staffs are available to provide state of the art services for patients and their families.

Mental health refers to a person’s emotional, psychological and social well-being. Physical health and mental health are closely associated and there is a need for comprehensive mental health set up.
The focus is on promoting positive mental health, improving resilience and positive coping.

Psychologists Advisory list